The prestigious magazine The Economist has named Armenia as the “Country of the Year for 2018”. Celebrating progress, the publication stresses that this is the nation which improved the most last year.
Rising Armenia today is a land of opportunities. This is why:
- Strategic geographical position: the country is situated at the crossroads between the Middle East, Europe and the Caucasus.
- “Open-door” policy with regard to foreign investments: foreign investors are protected by the Law “On Foreign Investments”.
- GDP growth expected to reach 4.3 % in 2019.
- One of the most open and liberal investment regimes among the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries.
- A unique bridge between the member states of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.
- Preferential trade regime with Canada, Switzerland, Japan, Norway and the USA.
- Equal treatment for foreigners.
- Guarantee and free repatriation of invested capital and profit.
- Tax benefits for foreign investors.
- Double taxation agreements.
- Unlimited access to property for foreigners through shares in a domestic company.
- Innovation technologies and solutions are perceived as priority sectors of the Armenian economy.
- Solid banking sector with a high level of capitalization and liquidity.
- Growth of 20 % in the construction sector for the months of January and February 2019 alone compared to last year.
- Highly educated and skilled workforce.
- Very low salary costs.
- Legendary Armenian hospitality.
- Synthesis of the western and eastern mentality.
- Millennia – old civilization.
- Historical landmarks.
- Highly-acclaimed ski resorts.
- Varied gastronomy.
- One of the safest countries in the world.