The prestigious magazine The Economist has named Armenia as the “Country of the Year for 2018”. Celebrating progress, the publication stresses that this is the nation which improved the most last year.

Rising Armenia today is a land of opportunities. This is why:

  • Strategic geographical position: the country is situated at the crossroads between the Middle East, Europe and the Caucasus.
  • “Open-door” policy with regard to foreign investments: foreign investors are protected by the Law “On Foreign Investments”.
  • GDP growth expected to reach 4.3 % in 2019.
  • One of the most open and liberal investment regimes among the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries.
  • A unique bridge between the member states of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.
  • Preferential trade regime with Canada, Switzerland, Japan, Norway and the USA.
  • Equal treatment for foreigners.
  • Guarantee and free repatriation of invested capital and profit.
  • Tax benefits for foreign investors.
  • Double taxation agreements.
  • Unlimited access to property for foreigners through shares in a domestic company.
  • Innovation technologies and solutions are perceived as priority sectors of the Armenian economy.
  • Solid banking sector with a high level of capitalization and liquidity.
  • Growth of 20 % in the construction sector for the months of January and February 2019 alone compared to last year.
  • Highly educated and skilled workforce.
  • Very low salary costs.
  • Legendary Armenian hospitality.
  • Synthesis of the western and eastern mentality.
  • Millennia – old civilization.
  • Historical landmarks.
  • Highly-acclaimed ski resorts.
  • Varied gastronomy.
  • One of the safest countries in the world.


  • Armenia is situated at a cultural, historical and religious intersection and located at the crossroads between Europe and Asia.
  • Armenia is an ancient country with a rich and fascinating history which can be traced back to Noah and his descendants.
  • Armenia boosts some of the world's oldest vineyards, unique cultural architecture, delectable cuisine, legendary hospitality, a beautiful landscape with world-class hiking and internationally recognized biodiversity.
  • Armenia celebrated the 2800th Anniversary of its capital city Yerevan in 2018 turned, over the last century, into a modern metropolis of industry, science and technology.
  • Armenia's mountainous terrain is centered on the Ararat Valley, the heart of the Armenian nation since biblical times.
  • Armenia has succeeded in topping emerging Europe in terms of annual GDP growth at 6.5 percent in 2019. Subject to recent political developments, it is expected that the economic growth will remain steady at 4.5 percent over the next four years thanks to the country's strenghtening macroeconomic stability, low inflation, stable financial system and declining public debt and anticorruption reforms.
  • Armenia ranks among the top 50 countries in the world according to the World Bank's Doing Business. The easiest procedures in Armenia are starting a business and registering a property, for which the country ranks 10th amd 13th respectively.
  • Armenia has established a number of incentives for investors, such as profit tax privileges for creating new jobs or projects, profit tax exemptions for agricultural production and certified IT start-up companies, profit tax privileges for large exporters, VAT payment deferrals for projects approved by the Governemnt etc.
  • armenia's foreign trade policy is focused on trade liberalization, reducing cusotms barriers and reforming further exisiting customs regulations. The country enjoys a number of trade agreements.
  • Armenia has made over the last few years siginificant and impressive gains ind eveloping its high-tech sector. The World Congress on Information Technology held in October 2019 served as a clear sign of Armenia's arrival on the world stage as a technlogical hub. 
  • Armenia is consistently included as one of the top travl destinations within popular publications such as Forbes and Conde NAst Traveler. It was recently featured on the National Geographic's "The Cool List: Celebrating the reasons to travel in 2020" due to its accessible routes from major travel hubs.
  • Armenia's real estate market has, since the Velvet Revolution of 2018, witnessed an astonising leap forward. The increasing demand stems not only from Armenians of the Diaspora keen to buy their own slice of emerging Armenia, but also from locals taking advantage of the newly introduced tax incentive plan for new apartment buildings.


  • The Cascade is a complex of huge staircases gracefully connecting the downtown areas nd the residential neighborhoods located on the surrounding hills in line with the vision of Alexander Tamanyan, Yerevan's master architect. Atop the Cascade lies Victory PArk and the Mother Armenia Statue, the latter of which houses a military museum, detailing the histories of World War II and the first Nagorno - Karabakh (Artsakh) conflict.
  • The Cascade Complex also houses an arts center and more than a half dozen internal escalators for those not wanting to climb the 500 plus steps on foot. The journey is punctuated by five levels with rest points from which one can view the city and the associated architecture, especially when lit up at night.
  • The Cascade is emerging as one of the focal points in Yerevan, similar to the Republic Square. It offers spectacular views of the City Center with Mount Ararat standing behind Yerevan's iconic pink buidings.